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About Ship Angel

AI-Powered Rate Management System

Using the power of AI, Ship Angel ingests your rates in any format and deploys them in a modern platform with optimized filters and enriching data to help your team make the best decisions every time.


Rate Management System. Built for BCOs

Amendment Guard 1

Amendment Guard

Our system automatically scans new contracts and amendments to identify discrepancies, giving you the power to approve or reject them before your team has access.

Amendment Guard 1 (1)

User Permission Management

Instantly scale global users with permission based access to the platform. Your team only sees the information you want them to.

Multi modal 1

Multi Modal

View all of your rates; Ocean, Air, and Road in one, modern platform.

Integrations 1


Ship Angel;s best-in-class APIs allow for integration into any of your current systems to centralize your supply chain operations.

Ship Angels AI 1

Ship Angel’s Proprietary AI

Ship Angel’s proprietary AI platform ingests your contracted rates in any format and automatically deploys them into the modern platform. There is no need to format rates in any way, we’ll do the work for you.

Ship Angel’s AI-power rate mangement platform is constantly evolving

The Leading Rate Management Tool

  • 20.6 M

    clipboard-tick rates processed

  • 4.25 M

    routing port combinations

  • +5%

    money-send savings in freight spend

  • 0

    share need for BPO centers

The Leading Rate Management Tool

Start Your Ship Angel Journey

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Upload Rates

Get started in only three days, with automatic rate and surcharge updates.


Customize Platform

Your top lanes are our top priority. More info means better AI-driven rates.


Get Instant ROI

Supply chain teams save hours per day and hundreds of dollars per shipment.


Resources for Your Ship Angel Journey


Getting started

Quick setup guide to help you start optimizing your shipping processes.

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Find answers to common questions and learn more about Ship Angel.

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API Docs

Comprehensive API guides for seamless integration and customization.

Ready To Get Started?

See the tool in action. Fill out the form to register your interest for a Ship Angel demo and discover how it can streamline your shipping processes and improve efficiency.
